Upcoming degrees
Please note that we will be conferring a Fellowcraft degree on Thursday October 4th, and a Master Mason’s degree on Wednesday October 10th.
Please come join us for these important dates and events for our brothers.
Please note that we will be conferring a Fellowcraft degree on Thursday October 4th, and a Master Mason’s degree on Wednesday October 10th.
Please come join us for these important dates and events for our brothers.
We are happy to announce that the new Gray Lodge website is now operational. Here are some of the improvements: For all Facebook users: Facebook box on the Gray329 main page featuring likes and subscribers Postings on Gray329 can be duplicated on our Facebook page with just a click For our guests: Improved general information…
There’s something different about our Lodge building on Barker Oaks … It’s very, very subtle … you might only notice it if you’re driving by! Thanks to all the Brethren who came out last Saturday to help us continue to give our Lodge building a beautiful new face!
The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. 2014 Gray Lodge Officers 2014 Worshipful Master: Kevin Roberts Senior Warden: Doug Hissong Junior Warden: Richard Fawcett Secretary: Darin Pitts Treasurer: Mark Herzog Senior Deacon: Billy Moreno Junior Deacon: Al Florido Senior Steward: David Vukovic Junior…
Brethren, Please note we’ll be conferring a Fellowcraft degree on Thursday, October 25th.
Brethren, It is not often that a Lodge invites another lodge to visit them but the Master of Fairbanks Lodge has extended a personal invitation all of us to visit them on Tuesday, September 25th. We will meet in Gray Lodge parking lot at 5:00 pm and go together to Fairbanks Lodge. Should you wish…
Please join us for our next Gray Lodge stated meeting on Wednesday January 2nd, where we will also receive the visit from our DDGM R.W. Roberto Sanchez, PM. Dinner will be at 6 pm, and lodge opened at 7 pm. Please note due to the DDGM visit, the lodge will be opened in the Master…
2370 Barker Oaks Dr.
Houston, Texas 77077
Secondary Mailing Address
P.O. Box 941771
Houston, TX 77094-8771
Open Meetings If you would like to join us or come by to see what our Lodge is about, we meet every Thursday at 6:00PM for dinner.
Stated Meetings (Members Only) Meets the first Wednesday of every month.