Lodge going dark in December
Please note that Gray lodge will be going dark in December after the stated meeting on Wednesday December 5th. We’ll be opening again for the January stated meeting on Wednesday January 2nd.
Please note that Gray lodge will be going dark in December after the stated meeting on Wednesday December 5th. We’ll be opening again for the January stated meeting on Wednesday January 2nd.
Contributing to our many fraternal charities through our fundraising efforts.
M:W: Paul Underwood, Grand Master of Masons in Texas, has released an order and opinion regarding Masonic gatherings. The key sections are copied below, but the entire letter (in PDF format) can be downloaded from the Member Portal on the Grand Lodge of Texas website. “Since the onset of the COVD-19 pandemic, Masons across Texas…
Brethren, On Tuesday October 30th Gray Lodge will confer a Fellowcraft Degree at Walter Pierson Lodge No. 1339. We will be doing a Fellowcraft Degree on one of our candidates through a courtesy from Walter Pierson. If you have never seen a Fellowcraft Degree there it is really a must see. A meal will be…
January Stated Meeting January 8th, 2014 Celebrating Robert Burns Gray Lodge celebrated the birthday month of Brother Robert Burns. We have a close association with the famous brother Burns as our 2nd Master was also named Robert Burns, presumably in his honor. Our own brother Scott Hardin, a direct descendant of Robert Burns shared…
At the July 2nd Stated Meeting Gray Lodge awarded me with the first ever Living Stone award, “in recognition of continuous dedication and service to the Craft by exemplifying the principle tenants of Freemasonry”. I am truly humbled and honored by this award. Roberto extended his grateful Thank you to Gray Lodge and to W. M. Roberts via Facebook…
Good day all, It’s a new masonic year! Gray Lodge #329 held its first stated meeting with its newly installed officers last night and it was a great success! Brethren and guests enjoyed a meal at 6:00pm which included a new formal dining room touch, and the evening was concluded in peace and harmony. We…
2370 Barker Oaks Dr.
Houston, Texas 77077
Secondary Mailing Address
P.O. Box 941771
Houston, TX 77094-8771
Open Meetings If you would like to join us or come by to see what our Lodge is about, we meet every Thursday at 6:00PM for dinner.
Stated Meetings (Members Only) Meets the first Wednesday of every month.