Gray Lodge News

Proficency Exams Results
Brethren, I’m proud to say that Gray Lodge had its best showing in many years at our annual certificate exam last night. The recipients are:

George W. Evans 1921 – 2014
Our brother George W. Evans laid down his working tools July 6th 2014. He will be missed by all. Visitation will be on Tuesday July

Roberto Sanchez receives Living Stone Award
At the July 2nd Stated Meeting Gray Lodge awarded me with the first ever Living Stone award, “in recognition of continuous dedication and service to the Craft by

Gray Lodge Installation – 2014
The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. 2014 Gray Lodge Officers 2014 Worshipful

Lallah Mae Vollus 1909 – 2014
[youtube_sc url=”” autohide=”1″ fs=”1″] Lallah Mae Vollus was the wife of Gray Lodge’s Master 1925-26, William Vollus. (She calls him “Bill” in the video.)
Quotes about life
QUOTATIONS ON LIFE FROM FAMOUS MASONS “Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to
Gray Lodge Installation
Gray Lodge installation set for June 28th at 11:00 AM

Bro. Ian Martin – May26 Memorial Ceremony
Gray Lodge did it’s share in placing flags at each grave marker at Veterans Memorial this morning (Sunday) – starting at 7AM – The ground was

Passing of Edith Percy
It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Edith Percy, beloved wife of our brother Charles Percy. Edith’s warm smile

Memorial for Michael Moore
Thursday May 15th, a memorial service was held for Michael Moore at 6:30PM at Bellaire Lodge #1336. Gray Lodge was very well represented Memorial Service

Paul and Joe – Friends and Brothers
The story of Paul and Joe is typical of the enduring friendships created in Masonic lodges. At twenty-five, Paul, a metalworker, became interested in Masonry. There