Gray Lodge News
Grand Master’s Proclamation Rescinding Mandatory COVID-19 Protocols
The full Proclamation can be downloaded by clicking here. The Constituent Lodges of the Grand Lodge of Texas and their members: Shall abide by and
Grand Master’s Proclamation: Limited Re-Opening of Texas Lodges
On March 21, M:W: Paul Underwood, Grand Master of Masons in Texas, issued a proclamation prohibiting all regular Texas Masonic Lodges and appendant bodies from
GM Paul Underwood’s Memo Regarding Masonic Gatherings
M:W: Paul Underwood, Grand Master of Masons in Texas, has released an order and opinion regarding Masonic gatherings. The key sections are copied below, but

Bro. William C. Bradford, 1974 – 2019
We are sad to report that Brother William C. “Bill” Bradford II laid down his working tools Thursday, August 15, 2019, after a long battle

There’s Something Different …
There’s something different about our Lodge building on Barker Oaks … It’s very, very subtle … you might only notice it if you’re driving

2019 Installation of Officers
On June 29, 2019, our PMs Roberto Sanchez and Richard Fawcett installed the elected and appointed officers of Gray Lodge for the 2019-2020 Masonic year:

2019-2020 Installation of Officers
Gray Lodge No. 329, A.F. & A.M. requests your presence in attending the installation of officers ceremony for the Masonic year of 2019-2020, and the

2019-2020 Gray Lodge Officer Elections
During its Stated Meeting of June 5, 2019, Gray Lodge #329 elected its senior officers for the upcoming 2019-2020 Masonic year. Installation will be held
June Stated Meeting & 2019-2020 Elections
GRAY LODGE NO. 329 NEWS AND UPDATES JUNE STATED MEETING AND ELECTIONS Please join Gray Lodge No. 329 for our stated meeting Wednesday, June 5, 2019.

Bro. Thomas W. Rogers, 1943 – 2019
Brother Thomas Wayne Rogers, 75, of Frederickburg, Texas passed away on Saturday, February 23rd. Tom was born on June 16, 1943 in Houston, Texas, the

Gray Lodge News July 6, 2017
Good day all, It’s a new masonic year! Gray Lodge #329 held its first stated meeting with its newly installed officers last night and it