If you are already an Endowed Member of Gray Lodge, please consider additional support of the Lodge in one of two ways:
1 – Join the Master’s Club
The Master’s Club (currently called the “151 Club” to reflect 151 years of Gray Lodge heritage) provides the Worshipful Master of Gray Lodge with funds to apply for the benefit of the Lodge, as he sees fit. Members receive a custom lapel pin reflecting the Lodge anniversary year supported, and receive special perks from the Master as tokens of his appreciation.
To join the Master’s Club, any Gray Lodge Endowed, Life, or 50-Year Mason needs only donate that year’s dues, in addition to his Endowed or Life status. Gray Lodge members who pay annual dues can join by donating an amount equal to one year’s dues, in addition to his annual dues payment.
If you’d like to support the Master’s Club, select the “Pay Now” option above as if paying annual dues. On the confirmation page, select the option showing that your payment should be directed to the Master’s Club. The Worshipful Master will recognize your support at an upcoming Stated Meeting.