Fund Raising for Charity
Contributing to our many fraternal charities through our fundraising efforts.
Contributing to our many fraternal charities through our fundraising efforts.
At approximately 8:00am on January 10, 2014 our beloved brother Leland Fox smiled and laid down his working tools to join the others in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. His family reports that over the last few days Leland”s health began to drift, slowing him down, and on Thursday…
Brethren, As advised as stated meeting the next Master Masons’ Roundtable will be on Monday October 22nd at Gray Lodge. Dinner will be at 6, followed by the roundtable around 7. The topic will be Guardian the West Gate, and candidate investigations. Look forward to seeing a number of master masons there.
The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.Get the latest Flash Player or Watch this video on YouTube. 2014 Gray Lodge Officers 2014 Worshipful Master: Kevin Roberts Senior Warden: Doug Hissong Junior Warden: Richard Fawcett Secretary: Darin Pitts Treasurer: Mark Herzog Senior Deacon: Billy Moreno Junior Deacon: Al Florido Senior Steward: David Vukovic Junior…
This degree was very well attended with 30 members and visitors present. Congratulations to the new member@ It was our great pleasure to host a visitor from Serbia and his daughter. He is a member of Brother Kleber’s plural lodge.
Brethren, Please note we’ll be conferring a Fellowcraft degree on Thursday, October 25th.
Please note that we on Thursday September 29th will be having a Fellowcraft Degree in addition to the usual instruction night. Please come attend for this significant day in a brothers life.
2370 Barker Oaks Dr.
Houston, Texas 77077
Secondary Mailing Address
P.O. Box 941771
Houston, TX 77094-8771
Open Meetings If you would like to join us or come by to see what our Lodge is about, we meet every Thursday at 6:00PM for dinner.
Stated Meetings (Members Only) Meets the first Wednesday of every month.