On the Level Car Show a Big Hit

On the Level Car Show a Big Hit

Our joint 2013 “On the Level” Car Show with the Houston Masonic Library was a tremendous success!  Proceeds benefited the Shriner’s Hospital for Children – Houston and the Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. [youtube_sc url=_ncaQFQnTZs width=500] [pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-ragmCjf5JEE/UVsr-1r8HhI/AAAAAAAAAdM/kGEKJiVXoMI/s144-o/62347_571388396218646_1080394215_n.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/112633963635074835251/2013OnTheLevelCarShow#5862327698516090386″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”62347_571388396218646_1080394215_n.jpg” ] [pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-BmdRxe_jIW0/UVw2-G6PRiI/AAAAAAAAAjI/9oRv32o5rFI/s144-o/photo6.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/112633963635074835251/2013OnTheLevelCarShow#5862621255564215842″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”photo6.JPG” ] [pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-sa7zib-CBkw/UVsXtICuNHI/AAAAAAAAAAc/Lknc1dxM-Lc/s144-o/DSC_0182.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/112633963635074835251/2013OnTheLevelCarShow#5862305403973284978″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”DSC_0182.jpg”…

Gray Honor Award

Gray Honor Award

The Gray Honor is an award created and designed to be given to Masons who have contributed above and beyond their normal obligations to Freemasonry, and to Gray Lodge in particular. The design was very carefully chosen and created with various aspects and symbolism of Freemasonry in mind. The award is the Gray Lodge logo…

A.S. Richardson Lectures

A.S. Richardson Lectures

In the 18th century William Preston, a Leading English Ritualist of Freemasonry, traveled around the world instructing and educating Freemasons on different topics. His Lectures would later become known as the Prestonian Lectures.officially termed the William Preston Lecture given annually in the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research in London, England. Since 1925, the annual Prestonian…