Sept 4 Stated Meeting Summary

Sept 4 Stated Meeting Summary

The Four Cheese Ravioli was delicious! The open program greeted a visiting past master, and celebrated the REAL birthday of a couple of our good brothers.   A slide presentation previewed the upcoming tour of Glenwood Cemetery The tour begins this Saturday, Sept 7 with a breakfast at the lodge.   We will begin serving at 9AM and will…


Masonic Readings – “Truth” as told from a 1932 Essay

Truth Short Talk Bulletin – Aug. 1932 Masonic Service Association of North America It is an odd fact that Freemasonry’s direct teaching in regard to Truth is less important than her indirect teaching. In the entered Apprentice’s Lecture we learn of Truth as “the foundation of every virtue. To be good Men and True is…

Scottish Rite

Scottish Rite

The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry.   Learn more about the organization and this magnificent building in Washington D.C.

Fraternal Greetings from South Africa

Fraternal Greetings from South Africa

(Brother Wally Rowles is on the right above) Right Worshipful Sanchez received the below correspondence from Brother Rowles.  Some may remember that he gave an excellent Table Lodge lecture for Gray a few years back.   We wish him God speed in his recovery and our sincere wishes to see him again soon —————– From: Wally Rowles…