Master’s Club

The Master’s Club was started several years ago to provide the Worshipful Master of Gray Lodge with funds to apply for the benefit of the Lodge, as he sees fit.   Each year, the club takes the number of the current Master. To join the club, an Endowed/Life/50 yr Gray Lodge Master Mason needs only to…

Salute to our Veterans
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Salute to our Veterans

To our brothers who served – we salute you. And especially on this day to William Simmons who gave his life on the battlefield of Europe October 8th, 1918 – just one month and two days before the Armistice we celebrate now as Veterans Day. [youtube_sc url=””] [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”Simmons.jpg” ] [pe2-image…

Gray Lodge Work Party  Oct 13th

Gray Lodge Work Party Oct 13th

Brethren – We have several projects underway and we need your help  Sunday October 13th starting about 10AM. 1)      Power to the “bike” shed.  Ladders, expertise and helping hands  (see Billy). 2)      Have new bike arrivals that need “make ready” work  (See Chris) 3)      Need to run cable and begin installing surveillances cameras  (See Bill)…

Grand Masters Visit – A.S. Richardson Lecture
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Grand Masters Visit – A.S. Richardson Lecture

Most Worshipful Walter W. Rogers, pictured above with our Past Master David Pupo, delivered our annual A.S. Richardson lecture at our October stated meeting.   With seventy members and guests in attendance, the address was very well received and marked by a rousing standing ovation. The evening started out with a most delicious entree of…

Masonic Memorial Service in Glenwood Cemetery

Masonic Memorial Service in Glenwood Cemetery

At noon on September 7, 2013,  Members of Gray Masonic Lodge #329, accompanied by Knights of Ruthven Commandery #2 conducted a Masonic Memorial Service at the graveside of Past Grand Master, Past Grand Commander and first Master of Gray Lodge,  A.S. Richardson. [youtube_sc url=”mHGDOZmFVP8″] (click HERE to download original video – 650Mb) Service conducted by:  …

Fraternal Visit to Memorial Lodge – Fellowcraft Lesson

Fraternal Visit to Memorial Lodge – Fellowcraft Lesson

Eight brothers visited  Memorial Lodge Thursday, September 5th and was treated to an excellent lecture of the Fellowcraft Stairway.    Topics new to us involved the connection with the modes of music – notably the Doric (Dorian) and Ionic (Ionian) The lecture also included fascinating references to Greek Allegories – most especially Plato’s Allegory of the Caves….