A.S. Richardson Lectures
In the 18th century William Preston, a Leading English Ritualist of Freemasonry, traveled around the world instructing and educating Freemasons on different topics. His Lectures would later become known as the Prestonian Lectures.officially termed the William Preston Lecture given annually in the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research in London, England. Since 1925, the annual Prestonian Lectures have had the unique distinction of being the premier contributions to the stream of Masonic thought in the world, and since the 19th century lodges have commemorated his memoirs by holding annual lectures. In 2006 Brother Roberto M. Sanchez along with then P.M. Lex Leckie and P.M. Greg Weisinger explored the beginning of a Prestonian Lecture at Gray Lodge. It was named after our charter Master Alfred Stephens Richardson. On October 2006 The A. S. Richardson Lecture Series was born.
Annually, a Mason of such prominence as would befit the name of A.S. Richardson is invited to present a lecture on any Masonic subject of the lecturer.s choice. The lecture has become a forum for the presentation of thoughts that will chart the course of Masonry in the future. The Lecture series stands for the proposition of free speech, free thought, and free conscience. The express purpose of the lecture series is to challenge the minds of Masons. The Lecture series is not designed for the barren intellect. On the contrary, it is designed for those eager to learn and to think.
The annual A. S. RICHARDSON LECTURE perpetuates the memory of the fact that A. S. RICHARDSON, Past Master of Gray Masonic Lodge, was the First Past Master of the Second Constituent Houston Lodge to have served as Grand Master of Masons in Texas; and to present to Freemasonry in general and to Houston Masons in particular a significant contribution to the stream of Masonic thought. Alfred Stephen Richardson received his Masonic degrees in Orphans Friend lodge No. 17 in 1857. He later demitted from there and affiliated with Holland lodge in 1858. He served as Worshipful Master there in 1861 and again in 1869. After serving as designated Master of Gray Lodge from June 24th through December 27th 1870, he was installed as the elected Master for the full year of 1871. He was elected as Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Texas in December of 1886 and as Grand Master of Masons in Texas in 1889, and served through the year of 1890.
Yearly in October Gray Lodge will host a renowned Mason, Masonic author, or Masonic historian to come speak at our Lodge. The A. S. Richardson Lecture is a very unique tradition because most lodges do not hold an annual lecture. Gray Lodge feels like it is important to be a leader in Masonic Education.
2006 – Roberto M. Sanchez D.D.
Full Member Texas Lodge of Research, Curator of the Houston Masonic Library Museum. Brother Roberto M. Sanchez was the first A. S. Richardson Lecture with his Lecture of “The Square the Compasses and the United States”. It encompassed several vignettes involving Masonry and the history of the USA.
2007 – Cliff Cameron KYCH
Grand Historian for the Grand Council Royal and Select Masters of Texas visited Gray Lodge at its October 2007 stated meeting and gave the second A. S. Richardson Lecture. He spoke about the First Documented Masonic meeting in Colonial Texas held on February 11, 1828 and the Ancient York Masons who met at San Felipe de Austin.
2008 – Rex R. Hutchens, 33GC, KYGCH
Author of “A Bridge to Light” and world renowned scholar gave the 2008 A. S. Richardson Lecture, he spoke on the deep philosophies of freemasonry.
2009 – P.G. Pete Normand 33 KYCH
Author of The Texas Mason, Past Master of Texas Lodge of Reasearch, Fellow in Masonic Research TLR, Chairman Valley of Houston AASR
2010 Reese L. Harrison, 33, KYGCH
Past Grand Master of Texas, and Past Grand Presiding officer of several invitational bodies gave the 2010 A.S. Richardson Lecture entitled “Masonry and the Young Man.”
2011 Christopher Hodapp 33°, KYCH
Best known for his book Freemasons for Dummies gave the 6th A.S. Richardson Lecture. Chris has written many books on Freemasonry and is frequent on the History Channel for the specials on Freemasonry.
2012 S. Brent Morris 33° G. C.,
Grand Abbot of the Society of Blue Friars, Founding Fellow of the Scottish Rite Research Society, Fellow of Texas Lodge of Research; author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry, Committed to the Flames and many other books, gave the 7th A.S. Richardson Lecture. His Lecture was entitled, “Itinerant American Masonic Lecturers.”
2013 Walter W. Rogers, Grand Master of Texas,
Delivered a stirring motivational lecture for our A.S. Richardson Lecture.